44+ Best Leadership Feedback Examples (Inspire Your Team)

leadership feedback examples

Good leadership is vital for the success of any team. The best leaders guide, motivate, and inspire team members to give their best while ensuring a positive work environment. One of the tools they use to achieve this is proper Leadership feedback.

This strategy involves providing employees with positive and constructive feedback. It can help inspire team members to perform at their best.

In this guide, we’ll show you some of the best leadership feedback you can use to inspire your team. Keep reading to learn more.

Table of contents
1. Examples to encourage development
2. Examples that recognize skill improvement
3. Examples that celebrate achievements
4. Examples for teamwork recognition
5. Examples for those with fear of rejection
6. Examples that encourage emotional strength
7. Examples for performance reviews

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1. Examples to encourage development

Helping employees reach their objectives is crucial as a leader. It is important to nurture them to succeed and provide them with the right tools.

Here are some helpful feedback examples to achieve this:

1.1. Helping employees to pursue leadership roles

You’ve shown your interest in applying for the role of a team leader. I am happy you want to step up and will offer a few helpful tips.

1.2. Encouraging continuous learning

You have constantly performed well in all your tasks. I believe you can improve by taking up new courses in project management. This will help you manage larger projects and teams, and prepare you to become a team leader.

1.3. Encouraging growth in technical skills

You fully understand how to use all the tools we use in our company. I recommend you take courses on upcoming software in our industry. This will help expand your mind to greater possibilities.

1.4. Improving communication skills

Your skills when it comes to handling tasks are good. But I believe improving your communication skills can make you better. How about taking up a public speaking workshop? The right one can positively change how you communicate.

1.5. Encouraging networking

You’ve shown yourself as one of the best hands in our team. I suggest you attend network events and conferences relevant to our industry. If you have a wider network, you will gain more exposure and opportunities.

1.6. Promoting collaboration

You have done well in our department, and I would love to see you get even further by working with other departments. This will give you new insights and help you understand the industry better.

1.7. Encouraging work-life balance

I love your dedication to the job, but a healthy work-life balance is also important. Why not register for courses on time management that will teach you how to do this?

1.8. Grooming mentorship skills

You have learned a lot during your time in this role. I think you should take up a mentorship role and share your experience with others. Aside from helping your team grow, it will also help improve your leadership skills.

positive feedback, leadership skills, performance review

2. Examples that recognize skill improvement

Providing positive feedback to current and potential leaders committed to improving their skills is important. It can help boost team morale and encourage them to continue with this positive behavior.

Here are some great positive feedback examples that can help:

2.1. Improved decision making

I’ve noticed some improvement in how you make decisions pertaining to tasks assigned to your whole team. You take time to evaluate problems and notify the right departments, which leads to better results.

2.2. Better communication

Your communication with stakeholders and team members has become better over the past months. I love how you break down goals for your team members in a way that is easy to understand. This has helped to improve your team’s productivity since everyone fully understands their roles.

2.3. Improvement in conflict resolution

I love how your ability to resolve conflicts within your team has improved. You are diplomatic when dealing with issues and don’t take sides. Also, you resolve issues fast, resulting in a positive work environment.

2.4. Better time management

I have noticed an improvement in how you manage your time. You now manage your schedule properly and properly delegate tasks when necessary. These have also positively influenced your productivity and leadership capabilities.

2.5. Improved critical thinking

There has been an improvement in your critical thinking capabilities. I love how you consider the long-term effects before you take any step. Your critical reasoning skills have reduced mistakes and helped in fulfilling the the company’s objectives faster.

2.6. Improved emotional improvement

I’ve noticed that your emotional intelligence has improved. You now understand your team’s emotions and needs, resulting in better relationships with them.

3. Examples that celebrate achievements

Positive feedback goes beyond recognizing improvement in all your employees. Noting vital milestones and showing gratitude for their contribution is also critical for employee engagement.

Use the following improvement feedback examples to make this happen in your organization:

3.1. Surpassing project expectations

Your efforts in recent projects have been exemplary! Aside from meeting set deadlines, you have done better than expected. Your team’s success is a sign of your dedication and hard work.

3.2. Meeting sales targets

Congratulations on meeting your set annual target! This is not an easy feat and shows your ability to understand clients. All your efforts have paid off and show in your team’s performance.

3.3. Delivering a successful presentation

You did an amazing job with the presentation in the last stakeholders meeting. You have built more trust in our company with your ability to break down information into simple terms. Job well done on delivering a top-notch presentation!

3.4. Reaching a major milestone

Achieving this milestone before the set date is an impressive feat that few people can make happen. This is thanks to your commitment and excellent soft skills. We appreciate your hard work and are happy to congratulate you!

3.5. Groundbreaking problem-solving

I was impressed with how you solved the recent problem many of our experts couldn’t. Your innovative approach helped to solve this problem and shows your creativity. Keep up the good work!

3.6. Top-Notch customer service

Your excellent customer service has not gone unnoticed. Many customers have contacted me to commend your professionalism when dealing with issues. You’ve helped us grow client relationships, and we are happy to have you on the team!

3.7. Taking initiative

I noticed how you stepped up to take charge of the last training session. Your willingness to take charge to ensure the training was successful was exemplary. It showed your leadership skills and desire to move your team forward.

constructive feedback, positive attitude, leadership performance review

4. Examples for teamwork recognition

Recognizing when employees collaborate with their peers boosts teamwork for better productivity. It also emphasizes the importance of supporting each other regardless of the circumstances.

Here are some great leadership feedback examples.

4.1. Promoting collaboration

Your ability to promote collaboration within the entire team has not gone unnoticed. I love how you encourage open communication in the team, leading to improved teamwork. This is obvious in your team performance, which has continued to increase constantly.

4.2. Ensuring team accountability

Your ability to instill a sense of accountability within the team has been exceptional. By clearly stating expectations and providing the team with the right support to achieve them, you have created a positive work environment. Team members now fully trust one another and work on their strengths to achieve objectives.

4.3. Celebrating Team Success

Your ability to constantly recognize the contribution of each team member has helped improve their sense of pride. This is reflected in our sales target and is a sign that you are a leader who cares about his team.

4.4. Boosting team communication

I’ve noticed an improvement in team communications since you took over. It is due to your leadership skills, and we appreciate the efforts you’ve taken to ensure open communication and active listening. This has led to a more productive and better performing team.

4.5. Promoting a shared strategic vision

You’ve performed excellently by getting your team to work towards a specific objecticve. By setting clear goals and properly communicating them with the team, you’ve inspired them to work toward achieving the same goal.

4.6. Identifying unique team strengths

You are skilled at spotting and taking advantage of your team members’ unique strengths. By using individual talents to achieve relevant objectives, you have improved job performance and ensured a more productive team.

5. Examples for those with fear of rejection

Everyone experiences fear of rejection at some point in their lives. However, when it starts to negatively affect one’s work, it is important for leaders to lend a hand.

Here are some examples of feedback that can help team members improve:

5.1. Encourage risk-taking

I’ve observed that you don’t propose new ideas because you fear rejection. Leadership involves taking risks, and even if we don’t accept your idea, you can learn valuable lessons for better insights.

5.2. Learning from rejection

I understand that the fear of rejection can make you cautious. But if you keep your ideas to yourself instead of sharing them, you’ll be missing vital learning opportunities. Regardless of whether your ideas are accepted or not, you’ll gain valuable insights that can prepare you for better leadership roles.

5.3. Developing toughness to receiving feedback

The fear of rejection is preventing you from fulfilling your maximum potential. I suggest you build a hard skin when getting honest feedback. Rejection is not an attack on your person. Instead, see it as a way to change your approach for a better result.

5.4. Normalizing rejection

If you want to become a problem solving leader, you’ll have to be comfortable with rejection. Every great leader has faced rejection at some point, as it is a stepping stone for anyone who wants to achieve success. Don’t let rejection prevent you from providing innovative ideas. Leaders are only remembered for their successful ideas, not those rejected.

5.5. Encouraging open communication

You are reluctant to share ideas with the whole team, and I believe it comes from your fear of negative feedback. Remember that you’ll need to learn open communication if you want to grow. This means you’ll need to engage in conversations even when you are scared or it seems tough.

leadership skills, performance review, managers feedback

6. Examples that encourage emotional strength

Team members who want to later become good leaders need to learn to control their minds. This will help them better manage stress and make clear decisions that will improve team productivity.

Here are great actionable feedback examples that can help nuture emerging leaders:

6.1. Calm under pressure

You always manage to remain calm and collected when dealing with complex issues. This shows mental discipline and lets the team know you are in control, thus improving focus.

6.2. Emotional control

I’ve noticed that you always control your emotions, even when dealing with difficult tasks. This shows that you don’t let your emotions cloud your judgement when making decisions. This skill can be helpful when you take on a leadership role.

6.3. Dealing with stress

I find it impressive that you properly manage your stress, even during complicated and frustrating situations. It is a sign that you know how to control your mind and don’t make impulsive decisions.

7. Examples for performance reviews

Constructive feedback is also important as positive feedback. While having these conversations may seem more challenging, they are crucial.

Providing employees with constructive criticism can result in a more positive attitude and improve team performance.

7.1. Addressing missed deadlines

I want to speak to you about your last tasks as I noticed that there was a delay in your submission. While I appreciate the time you invested and the quality of the task, the delay almost cost us the client. I suggest you improve your time management skills to meet deadlines without problems. I have helpful tools and resources that can help.

7.2. Improving communication

I’ve noticed a few lapses in your communication, which have led to delayed projects. Adopting clear communication strategies during team meetings to ensure everyone knows their role is vital. I recommend picking a few courses on proper communication to help address this problem.

7.3. Addressing inaccuracies in tasks

Some of the reports you recently sent in have been inaccurate. While we caught this error in a timely manner, you must cross-check your work to avoid errors in the future. Avoiding mistakes and paying close attention when working on tasks will save time and ensure better work quality.

7.4. Encouraging initiative

I’ve noticed that you fail to take the initiative and don’t contribute beyond what’s required when completing tasks. While you still get the job done, being proactive will help you grow and become an irreplaceable team member.

7.5. Focusing on critical tasks

I see the effort you are putting into completing tasks, but it seems you focus on less important tasks. I suggest you focus on completing the most critical tasks to make sure you are properly channeling your energy.

7.6. Encouraging engagement

You’ve been quiet during meetings and have stopped providing insights. I encourage you to contribute your ideas, as it will benefit the team and show that you are an expert in the field.

7.7. Expanding industry knowledge

Your performance has been top-notch, and I have no complaints. However, you can achieve more if you expand your knowledge by studying recent industry trends. This will help you make more calculated decisions and boost your team’s productivity.

7.8. Improving delegation skills

Your own performance review proves that you are great at your job and can lead others without problems. But, I think delegating tasks to other team members when neccessary can save you time and help you acheive more objectives. It is also one of the most essential leadership skills to have if you want to claim better roles.

7.9. Enhancing critical thinking

You are performing tasks excellently, but I encourage you to adopt critical thinking in your decision making, especially on their long term impacts. Taking critical thinking courses could be helpful.

7.10. Encouraging innovation

Your work is satisfactory, but I believe it can be better if you look into more creative channels. Why not check out a few design-thinking seminars and workshops? They can help boost your innovation and give you unique ideas.


As you can see, leadership goes beyond commanding subordinates.

It also involves properly inspiring those around you, and giving feedback can be one of the best tools to use. You can create a more productive and positive team by providing critical feedback that recognizes improvement, development, and achievements.

We’ve provided some of the best positive leadership feedback examples you can incorporate into your organization. Use them in the right scenario and experience the benefits of a team-oriented work environment.

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