5 Simple Steps to Increase Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Increase Your Net Promoter Score

Do you want to know how to increase your Net Promoter Score (NPS)? If so, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss some simple ways to increase your NPS across your business.

Increasing your NPS is a great way to improve customer loyalty and boost your bottom line. So, what are you waiting for? Read on for tips on how to get started!

Table of contents
1. Focus on better customer experience (CX)
2. Work on customer feedback to improve the NPS score
3. Segment your customers for better planning
4. Measure customer feedback regularly
5. Provide self-service options

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1. Focus on better customer experience (CX)

One of the best ways to improve your Net Promoter Score is to focus on delivering a better customer experience so you can improve customer satisfaction.

This means creating a seamless customer journey, providing excellent customer service, and offering valuable products and services.

By doing this, you will be able to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will lead to higher NPS scores and happy customers all-round.

Here are a few ways to improve your CX:

a. Deliver a consistent customer experience

If you want to increase your nps, you need to deliver a positive customer experience. Customers want to know what to expect when they interact with your brand, and they appreciate consistency.

There are several things you can do to make sure your customers have a consistent experience.

  • First, make sure all of your employees are familiar with your brand’s values and mission. They should be able to communicate them clearly and accurately to customers.
  • Second, create standard procedures for customer interactions. This will help ensure that every customer receives the same level of service.
  • Finally, track NPS feedback and use it to improve your customer experience. Constantly work to exceed your customers’ expectations and you’ll see your nps increase.

Where possible remember to try and implement the above suggestions across your business, so you’re meeting customer expectations at every touchpoint along the customer journey.

b. Respond to customer feedback

Customer feedback is essential to improve a business’ success. By listening to customers and taking their feedback into account, a company can improve its products and services, whilst also increasing your Net Promoter Score (NPS), plus this is great for getting more loyal customers.

Always keep these points in mind when responding to feedback:

  1. The first step in responding to customer feedback is identifying what customers are saying. You can do this by using surveys, social media monitoring, or simply reading customer reviews.
  2. Once you have identified what customers are saying, you need to determine the root cause of the problem. This can be done by using data analysis or simply contacting the customer directly.
  3. After you have determined the root cause of the problem, you need to come up with a solution. This can be done by creating a new product or service, fixing an issue with an existing product or service, or offering a refund or discount.
  4. Finally, thank your customers for taking the time to provide feedback. A simple “thank you” goes a long way and can encourage customers to provide feedback in the future.

These are really simple steps which can help you achieve a good NPS score, but it’s amazing how many businesses fail to implement them correctly.

c. Implement a customer retention strategy

In order to keep customers coming back, it’s important to have a customer retention strategy in place. To increase your NPS, you need to focus on what drives customer loyalty.

According to research from Bain & Company, the three drivers of customer loyalty are: product/service quality, differentiation and trust.

  • Product/service quality – it’s the primary reason customers stay with a company.
  • Differentiation – customers want to feel like they’re getting something unique that they can’t find elsewhere.
  • Trust – customers need to feel confident that their data is safe and their interactions with the company are private.

By focusing on these three drivers, you can create a customer retention strategy that will keep customers coming back, and your NPS will increase as a result.

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2. Work on customer feedback to improve the NPS score

It is essential to have a process in place to listen to customer feedback and take it into consideration to improve the NPS score. There are a few key things to keep in mind when working with customer feedback:

a. Collect customer feedback regularly

Customer feedback is essential to any business. It can help you identify problems and areas for improvement. You can also use customer feedback to increase your NPS score.

You can increase your NPS by regularly collecting customer feedback. You can do this with surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Collecting customer feedback on a regular basis will help you identify trends and address problems before they become bigger issues.

It’s also important to act on the negative feedback you receive from your NPS surveys. If customers tell you that they hate a certain aspect of your product or service, make changes accordingly so you can improve Net Promoter Score easily.

b. Use customer surveys to measure customer satisfaction

Using customer surveys, such as an NPS survey, is a great way to measure satisfaction. Not only does this help you track customer satisfaction over time, but you can also use it to compare your company against the competition.

In order to increase your Net Promoter Score (NPS), it’s important to first understand what drives satisfaction and dissatisfaction. There are several things that drive customer satisfaction such as:

  • quality of product or service
  • speed of service
  • price
  • convenience
  • communication

By understanding what matters most to your customers, you can focus on areas that need improvement and reduce your chances of having dissatisfied customers.

Additionally, make sure you track your progress by regularly surveying customers. This will allow you to see if your efforts are making a difference to improve NPS scores.

c. Make changes based on customer feedback

Focusing on making changes based on customer feedback is a great way to increase NPS. Listening to customers is essential if you want to keep them happy and increase your NPS score.

Some ways you can make changes based on both positive feedback and negative feedback include:

  1. Adjusting your product or service based on what customers are asking for. This could involve adding new features, making changes to the existing design, or simply offering different options.
  2. Improving your customer service in order to address any complaints or concerns that customers have. Making sure that customers are happy with their experience is key to increasing your NPS score.
  3. Gathering feedback from customers regularly and acting on it promptly. This shows that you’re taking their opinions seriously and are committed to making improvements.

By making changes based on your NPS data collected from your NPS surveys, you can show that you’re listening to their needs and are committed to providing a great experience. This will go a long way in improving NPS scores.

d. Keep collecting NPS feedback to maintain progress

To really improve Net Promoter Score, you need to make changes based on customer feedback. This isn’t just a one-time process either. Over time you should continually be monitoring feedback to ensure you’re maintaining any progress you make.

Once you have this information, you can start making changes based on what your customers are telling you.

For example, if they say that your customer service is poor, then you need to work on improving that. Or if they say that your products are not up to par, then you need to work on improving the quality of your products.

The bottom line is that you need to be measuring NPS and listening to what your customers are saying and take action based on their feedback. If you do this, then you’ll no doubt improve NPS score with little effort.

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3. Segment your customers for better planning

One way to ensure that you’re providing the best possible experience for your customers is to segment them. This will allow you to focus your efforts on the groups of customers that matter most to your business.

There are a few important factors to consider when segmenting your customers:

a. Know your customer segments

When it comes to customer segmentation, it’s important to know who your customers are and how best to target them. Different customer segments may require different marketing strategies and plans in order to increase your NPS score.

One way to improve your customer segmentation is by using data analytics. Data analytics can help you identify customer trends and preferences, as well as understand what drives customer loyalty. Armed with this information, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments.

Another way to improve your customer segmentation is by conducting focus groups or surveys. This will give you a better understanding of what motivates customers within each segment and what types of products or services they’re most interested in.

b. Identify your customer needs

When it comes to customer needs, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each customer is different, with different needs that must be taken into account when segmenting customers for better planning.

However, there are some general principles that can help guide you in understanding and addressing your customers’ needs.

  • To start with, you need to know what your customers want. This means doing customer research to understand their needs and preferences.
  • You can then use this information to create customer personas – fictional representations of your target customers based on real data – which will help you better understand how to appeal to them.
  • Once you know what your customers want, you need to figure out how to give it to them. This involves understanding the various channels through which they prefer to interact with businesses and designing your marketing and sales strategies accordingly.

It’s also important to keep in mind that customer needs change over time. This means that you need to continuously monitor your customers and adjust your segmentation strategy as necessary.

c. Understand how customers interact with you

In order to increase your Net Promoter Score, you need to understand how customers interact with you when segmenting your customers for better planning. There are three main types of customer interactions that can happen:

  1. Customers who are promoters and detractors with no neutral group.
  2. Customers who are promoters, detractors, and neutrals in two different groups.
  3. Customers who are promoters, detractors, and neutrals in three different groups.

The first scenario is the easiest to deal with because you only have to worry about increasing the number of promoters and reducing the number of detractors.

The second scenario is a little more difficult because you have to figure out how to appeal to both groups of customers.

The third scenario is the most difficult because you have to figure out how to appeal to all three groups of customers.

d. Prioritize your customer segments

Once you’ve segmented your customers, it’s important to prioritize which segments you want to focus on. This will depend on a number of factors, such as the size of the segment, its potential for growth, and its profitability.

It’s also important to consider how much effort it will take to appeal to each segment. For example, it may be easier to appeal to a small segment that is already interested in your products or services than it would be to appeal to a large segment that is less familiar with your brand.

Once you’ve prioritized your segments, you can start planning your marketing and sales strategies. Remember to focus on creating a personalized experience for each customer segment. This will help you build loyalty and increase your NPS score.

e. Develop marketing plans based on customer segments

After you’ve segmented your customers, it’s time to develop marketing plans that are based on customer segments. This involves creating a unique value proposition for each segment and designing targeted marketing campaigns that resonates with specific customer segments.

It’s also important to consider the various channels through which customers prefer to interact with businesses. For example, some customers may prefer to receive marketing messages through email, while others may prefer to see ads on social media.

Once you’ve developed your marketing plans, it’s important to track the results and adjust your strategy as necessary. This will help you ensure that you are reaching your target customers and making the most of your marketing budget.

f. Evaluate your customer segmentation strategy

After you’ve implemented your customer segmentation strategy, it’s important to evaluate the results. This involves looking at a number of factors, such as customer satisfaction levels, Net Promoter Scores, and sales figures.

It’s also important to track any changes in customer behavior. For example, if you see an increase in unhappy customers, it may be time to adjust your strategy.

If you’re happy with the results of your customer segmentation strategy, then you can continue to use it as a tool to increase your Net Promoter Score.

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4. Measure customer feedback regularly

Customer feedback is essential for measuring and improving your Net Promoter Score. There are a number of ways to get honest feedback by asking the right questions, such as an NPS survey, interviews, focus groups, and online reviews.

It’s important to measure customer feedback regularly so that you can identify any trends or patterns. This will help you make the necessary adjustments to improve your Net Promoter Score.

Let’s look at some of the factors you should consider when doing this:

a. Get started with customer feedback surveys

Customer feedback surveys are a great way to measure customer feedback and improve your NPS score. Here are three tips for getting started with customer feedback surveys:

  1. Make sure you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the data. Customer feedback surveys provide valuable insights into what customers think about your company, but it’s important to have a plan for how you’re going to use that information.
  2. Keep your NPS survey short and simple. Customers don’t want to spend a lot of time filling out surveys, so keep them short and simple.
  3. Use NPS survey data to improve customer experience. The goal of customer feedback surveys is to improve the customer experience, so use the data you collect to make changes that will benefit your customers.

By following these tips, you can use customer feedback surveys to improve your Net Promoter Score.

b. Use the right tools to measure NPS

There are a number of different tools you can use to measure your Net Promoter Score. Here are three of the most popular options:

  • JustFeedback: Our advanced analytics solution which can be used to measure your NPS and other key feedback metrics such as CAST and CES score.
  • Net Promoter Score Benchmarks: This tool allows you to compare your NPS scores against other companies in your industry.
  • NPS Tracker: This tool helps you track changes in your Net Promoter Score over time.
  • NPS Calculator: This tool allows you to calculate your NPS scores based on customer feedback.

By using the right tools, you can measure your NPS score and make the necessary changes to improve it.

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5. Provide self-service options

If you have a low NPS score then adding sel-service options can improve customer experiences and help get you better NPS scores from your surveys, so you can achieve a higher overall NPS ratings.

a. Improve customer experience and satisfaction with self-service

Self-service options are a great way to increase customer satisfaction and improve your NPS scores. By providing self-service options, you can allow customers to resolve their issues without having to contact customer support.

There are a number of different self-service options you can provide, such as online FAQs, knowledge bases, and live chat.

By providing self-service options, you can reduce the number of customer support issues and improve your Net Promoter Score.

Here are three tips for providing self-service options:

  • Make sure your self-service options are easy to find. Customers should be able to easily find your self-service options.
  • Make sure your self-service options are relevant. Customers should be able to find answers to their questions using your self-service options.
  • Make sure your self-service options are up to date. Customers should be able to trust that your self-service options are accurate and up to date.

By following these tips, you can provide self-service options that will improve your Net Promoter Score.

b. Meet the needs of different customer types

When it comes to providing self-service options, it’s important to remember that not all customers are the same. Some customers want more help, while others want less. Some customers want to be able to solve problems on their own, while others appreciate step-by-step instructions.

To provide the best possible self-service experience for your customers, you need to meet their specific needs.

For example, if you have a customer who wants more help, you can provide them with additional support options such as chatbots or phone support.

If you have a customer who wants less help, you can give them more autonomy by allowing them to solve problems on their own.

You can also improve your NPS score by offering different types of self-service options. This will allow your customers to choose the option that best meets their needs.

c. Use technology to improve the customer experience

Technology can be used to improve the customer experience when providing self-service options.

  • One way to use technology to improve the customer experience is by using chatbots. Chatbots are programs that can mimic a human conversation. They are used to help customers with their inquiries and provide them with information. Customers are more likely to be satisfied with their experience if they are able to get the information they need quickly and easily.
  • Another way to use technology to improve the customer experience is by using interactive voice response systems (IVR). IVR systems allow customers to interact with a computer system through voice commands. This allows customers to get the information they need without having to wait on hold or speak to a representative.

By using technology to improve the customer experience, you can provide self-service options that are more efficient and effective. This will lead to happier customers and a higher NPS score.


In conclusion, there are many ways to increase your company’s Net Promoter Score. The methods listed in this article are a good place to start, but there are many other ways to improve your score.

Improving your NPS will help you attract and retain customers, and increase profits.

So what are you waiting for? Start improving your score today!

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How to increase NPS?

There’s no single silver bullet when it comes to increasing your NPS score, but there are a few key things you can do to improve the likelihood of customers giving you a high rating.

Firstly, make sure you’re providing an excellent product or service that meets (or even exceeds) customer expectations. Obviously this is easier said than done, but it’s the foundation upon which everything else is built.

Secondly, focus on creating a great customer experience at every touchpoint – from pre-sale right through to post-sale support. This means being attentive and responsive to customer queries and issues, and going the extra mile to delight them whenever possible.

Thirdly, always be looking for ways to implement changes to increase customer lifetime value.

What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is when a customer keeps buying products or services from the same company even when there are cheaper or better alternatives.

There are several reasons why customers become loyal to a specific company. It could be because they’re satisfied with the quality of the products or services, they like the company’s customer service, or they appreciate the company’s values and ethics.

Whatever the reason, having loyal customers is great for a business you can benefit from long-term business without finding more customers. Simply leverage off your existing customer base instead of relying on new customers all the time.

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